Emergency Contact Information and Procedure
Emergency Services are provided 24 hours for established clients. There is always a doctor on call to assist you!
Always call 434-953-6034 first to find the doctor on emergency duty. If you hear a recorded message, listen carefully to the message to provide you with the emergency phone number of the doctor on emergency duty at that time. This message is changed daily to reflect the scheduled doctor for that day. Please do not send an email or a text or call Dr. Shane’s personal cell phone for emergencies as he may not be the doctor on call at that time.
If you have an emergency or a situation that you think may not wait until business hours, always call 434-953-6034 to find the doctor on emergency duty. Leave a message with a call back number where you can be reached so the doctor on emergency duty will be able to call you directly and get directions and advise you on what to do until he/she arrives. If you cannot wait by the phone, station someone else to wait by the phone who knows how to get to your farm so they can give directions to your farm to the doctor on emergency duty at that time.